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| who

MatterhornMedia is a boutique design firm that specializes in providing solutions for the digital marketing needs of small businesses.

| about

Established in 2020, we now have several years of experience designing digital products that connect brands with customers. We work almost exclusively with Squarespace. Squarespace’s ease of use, clean aesthetics, and drag-and-drop editing system is perfect for clients who wish to manage their own content once the design process is complete. It’s desktop templates translate almost seamlessly to mobile formats and has many customizable features that can help businesses stand apart from their competitors in an increasingly saturated, and often homogenized digital marketplace

| skill set

Our photography backgrounds give us (and our clients) a leg up on image selection and photo editing. Our graphic design skills help us create eye-catching logos that can accurately reflect/project an organization’s identity and culture across all mediums. We write compelling copy that both sells your story/product and lends a high degree of professionalism and credibility to your brand (if anything can turn off potential clients faster than poor design, it’s poorly written copy; even the best writers need a good editor!). Capturing and retaining the attention of internet users in this highly competitive environment is a constant challenge. Attention spans are short and margins for error small. Missteps can be costly. You only get one shot at a first impression. Our design mantra: keep it simple, keep it clean, keep it error-free.

Building and managing a website can be intimidating to those unfamiliar with coding or design software, and is especially challenging for those already tasked with the demands of running a small business. Squarespace makes it easy. Our fees include a live tutorial on essential Squarespace functions. Clients are always impressed by its capabilities. They walk away feeling empowered and confident.

| expertise

Structure, spacing, and organization; logo design; photo editing/optimization; copywriting/copy editing; UI/UX design; SEO/SEM; analytics/performance metrics.

| fees

Reasonable and competitive. Both bundled branding packages and Ă  la carte services available.

We offer a Standard Branding Package that includes:

  • a logo (with a maximum of three iterations; additional designs are extra)

  • five page website (additional pages extra)

  • a tailored Digital Marketing Strategy Plan, including a discussion on effective display advertising, social media and email marketing approaches

After an initial consultation, a 50% deposit is required prior to commencement of work. The standard package includes a maximum of three revisions; further revisions require an additional fee. Contact us
directly to discuss options/rates.

— portfolio/clients—

 *NOTE: all artwork contained herein is protected by copyright and trademark law.
Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

| contact

If you have a project and would like to discuss design ideas and fee arrangements, send us a quick email.

You can also call us at: +1 786 554 1246

(If we don’t answer, and time is of the essence, send a text message or leave a voicemail; we will get back to you right away.)